Frequently Asked Questions

How is the program delivered?

TWT certifies your trainers to coach your community of new triathletes. Coaches and athletes can see the day by day training plan in the TWT app. 

Is there material that needs to be handed out at the group workouts?

 All workouts and education are in the app so coaches know exactly what to cover at each group workout.

What is the facility usage?

Group training is 2-days a week for 90 minutes. One day pool space is needed and, one day spin bikes and treadmills or space to walk/run is needed. Weather permitting bikes and runs can be outdoors.

What are the associated costs for this?

During this beta program there is No licensing fee, No cost to certify the coaches. No charge for app usage. ( All of this will change after the beta) The facility would pay their employees their hourly wage and share a percentage of income. 

What are the coaches responsible for?

Coaches would need to commit to showing up for group training two days a week and delivering our planned workout and education as well as set up a whats app channel with the participants in order to answer questions and create community

What are the facilities responsible for?

- Saying yes to this awesome program

- Working together to find current or future employees interested in becoming certified coaches.  

- Securing pool space, 1 hour a week, spin bikes, run space 1 hour a week, and stretching/strength area 1 hour a week.

- Marketing the program to members. 

What support does TWT give to facilities?

 - 2-day coach certification, equipping coaches to deliver a life changing experience.

- Marketing outreach with branded fliers, a free Beginning to Tri lecture to help recruit participants, a free beginner swim class to highlight our method of teaching efficient swimming techniques.

- A senior TWT coach will help with the first couple weeks of group training and will be available to your newly certified coaches for any questions or concerns to ensure a great experience for coaches and athletes.

- The blueprint for hosting a simple indoor tri at the end of training.